The slightly humidity damaged photograph depicted a middle-aged couple on either side of their grown daughter. They stood bundled in winter coats, squeezed together, and smiling in front of the Eiffel Tower. The Sharpie written description in the bottom corner read: Mom, Dad & me, New Years 2012.
“Ren! Ren? We need to go. …Perenelle, where are you?”
Perenelle hastily returned the photo to the musty shoebox, placing that back into a crisp moving box. She blinked her blue eyes at the winter sun as she emerged from the storage space beneath the stone house.
She stole looks at her mom as they drove off the wooded property.
Nathalie did not look much different from the picture in Paris. Her blonde hair was shorter but more stylized. Her pale skin had a hint of a tan from years of living in the sub-tropics.
“Are you cross with me,” Nathalie asked, her English accent leaking through. “You keep staring.”
“No.” Perenelle turned to look out the window. “I didn’t realize I was. Maybe I’m tired.”
“I never would have guessed a one-hour time difference to affect so much,” Nathalie mused. “Perhaps, when we woke at six, we should have stayed awake rather than attempt to sleep that extra hour?” She smiled weakly. “I’m sorry your first day will start late. Changing schools is enough to worry over without that.”
“I’d be the new kid on time too, so I wouldn’t worry about it,” Perenelle said.
The school zone light had already stopped flashing by the time they arrived. Nathalie pulled up to the front; Perenelle leaped out before the car fully stopped.
Perenelle’s head swiveled as she followed an administrator down the poorly lit hall. Fragmented lectures leaked from the doors as she passed, being stopped outside a door with 6B on the placard.
Her teacher was a chubby, middle-aged woman with think-framed glasses and closely cropped hair that had been died pink at some point. She stared down at Perenelle with a strained smile.
“I can’t let you in. We’re having our test on sex ed, and you don’t have a permission slip. And you’re late.”
“O-okay,” Perenelle said. “What should I-?”
“Sit here. I’ll get you after.”
She sank to the floor and looked for anything in the bare hall to stare at.
The teacher soon returned. “I’m Miss Campbell, your homeroom teacher. Most subjects will be taught by me. Math and Social Issues will be taught elsewhere. Just follow your classmates, and you’ll be fine. Okay? Good. Inside.”
She was thrust in front of the class. She began to sweat but blamed her winter coat.
“This is Perenelle Herle. She just moved here from Florida. Be nice to her. Okay? Good. Perenelle, grab the empty seat in the back, so we can get English started.”
Perenelle balked on her way to the back as two kids pretended to violently hurl as she passed.
The English lesson quickly lost her interest. Perenelle tried to look out the window but succeeded in making the boy next to her scowl with suspicion. She doodled on her notebook.
She jumped as a chubby, pale hand with poor nail polish slapped onto her notebook.
“Perenelle,” Miss Campbell snapped. “You answer when I ask you a question!” She glared at the page. “You’re old enough to know that cats don’t have six legs.”
“It’s a Wampus cat,” Perenelle said. “I saw one during a hike when I lived in Florida. I wanted to bring the picture to show--.”
“What nonsense!” Miss Campbell tossed the notebook back. “Back to work!”
My New Year resolution was a sentance a day, so this is the first 21 days of the year. It started to upset me since--spoiler-ish--it has a lot to do with feeling like an outsider, father and family stuff, and Perenelle's nickname sounds like what I had picked for a middlename if I ended up carrying Minerva vs a boy (which turned out to be the case, lol), so I switched to typing something else (a Mae thing that lasted 4 days, I think). It doesn't bother me like it did, and I don't hate the opening like I thought, so I might end up going back to it now that hormones are settled and all. ...Oh man, I hope they're settled.
But, Perenelle is an old idea I came up with during the rough draft of Rebs. My older niece was a year and a half then, so things like Perenelle having a reddish tint to her hair (auburn) and blue eyes was based around that. Perenelle being born in 2012 is also because of that. Moving from FL to TN is also based on that, and a neat house that was in the town next to the one they currently live in. If I find that house again, I'll post the link in the chat.