Firebrand Risk
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Firebrand Risk is a lowkey place for the fiction enthusiast. Whether you write, draw, or are that special combo of all the above, you can feel at ease getting rabidly excited over your projects here. We all do it. Get amped and drag others into your worlds!
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Hawk Circle (in progress)

Since my people are still asleep, I'm drawing Talbott šŸ˜—

I've had an idea for a while based on Will Ackerman's "Hawk Circle", specifically The one with the voices in it, and I got this image of Talbott among a circle of hawks (I know his animagus is an eagle..). So here we go!

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Cat vs Braid

I was laying down on the floor and my hair was still in braids. The cat decided they were a toy.... šŸ¤£

Some Story Talk with Jill: Ace Gallagher

Getting back to the man who started it all: Ace Gallagher! We go over some of the recent changes to his back story and how they may affect him as the stories progress. But the biggest reveal is what this means for his real name... šŸ«¢šŸ˜

Cat in Drawer

Of course she was starting to wriggle out of it, but we were not paying attention and the cat snuck in the bedroom and Sean had left this drawer open while we were checking clothing sizes... ans we hear a thump! And there's a cat in the drawer. She tried to get inside more but as I grabbed the camera, she left lol.

September 23, 2021
Some Story Talk ep. 16

I talk around this in ep. 15 and mention it in the second intermission story spitballs. Time for research; here comes the marriage pool episode.

Some Story Talk ep. 16
August 11, 2021
Some Story Talk ep. 11

Time for a research episode talking about one of may favorite theories (that I have unwittingly been applying everywhere, and you just might be too): Bak's Sand Pile!

Some Story Talk ep. 11
May 20, 2021
Some Story Talk ep. 6

This episode talks about the cream f the crop, the best and brightest of all time, the elite humans called colonials! I talk about these elites in found in Rebs and about the colonial system. The colonial culture is what leads the way, so this is one to hear.

Some Story Talk ep. 6
Hawk Circle - Timelapse

I ended up finishing Talbott's drawing! Based on a Will Ackerman song, "Hawk Circle".


Guardians of Death and Life

The Phoenix and The Sentinel: Guardians of Death and Life

Vance and James become the Guardians of their generation, which is fun since they both have Ace as a common denominator. They take to their roles well, ushering the dying in peace and protecting those who are in need of help. And they look really snazzy while doing it šŸ˜

Timelapse drawing:

Liana Updates

Liana always seems to be in a dress whenever handling scary plants šŸ˜…

She chats with a coworker who is caught off guard with Liana's lack of "looks" before their boss interrupts them with a lack of Liana's name.

She is quickly worn out after an event (same) and then chats with good friends Liz about life. Aw.

May 31, 2024
post photo preview
Breeching Halcyon Hall

Panel 1. Halcyon Hall, Millbrook, New York, nighttime. The windows glow with light. The shrubbery able to be seen is tidy. The building exudes stateliness and warmth.

Panel 2. Babette de Benedettoā€”late teensā€”is kneeling, pressed up against the stone wall of Halcyon Hall. Her curly, black hair is knotted in a bun. She wears trousers and a long-sleeved blouse, but a short, black cape covers most of her torso.

Panel 3. Babette holds a Colt pistol, pointing it down at the ground.

Panel 4. Arlene crouches next to Babette. She wears the same short, black cape as Babette, but is wearing the hood. Arlene has a strained, worried expression.


The rest of campus is dark. It must only be the coven awake.

Panel 5. Arleneā€™s blue eyes widen in fright.


Is that your fatherā€™s pistol?

Panel 6. Babette pulls on her hood.


Stay at my back.

Panel 7. Arlene grabs the end of Babetteā€™s cape to stop her from fully standing.


You mustnā€™t!


There is no other choice.


But, Babetteā€¦


They should well know the consequences!

Panel 8. Babette stands, hand on the doorhandle ready to enter.

Babette (v.o.)

I gladly would leave this to othersā€”

Panel 9. Babette charges through the door, gun drawn. Arlene follows with one hand out and the other clutching the gem hanging around her neck.

Babette (v.o. continue)

ā€”but then I wouldnā€™t make a good leader.

Panel 10. A college-aged girl in black appears. Her outstretched hand has a chunky ring with a jewel on it. Her hand is glowing as if made of embers.

Panel 11. Babette squares herself and pulls the trigger.

Panel 12. The witch falls back, dead.

Panel 13. Arlene appears petrified. Babette is standing resolute, but her hand shakes.


Theyā€™ll be aware of us now. Stay guarded.

Panel 14. Arlene keeps her terrified expression.


You killedā€¦. This is too much. We cannot fight the whole Halcyon Coven just us two!

Panel 15. Babette grabs her wrist to steady her gun hand.


They mean to wipe us out. We had little choice.

Panel 16. They raced through the dimly lit, stately hall with Babette in the lead. Her gun stayed down while Arlene kept her pose with one hand up and one clutching her necklace. There are sounds of several people moving erratically upstairs, some shouts to alert others.

Panel 17. Babette shoots a witch on the stairs as she heads up. Arlene is facing the ground floor, blasting another witch off her feet with a slice of wind.

Panel 18. Babette glanced over her shoulder.


Donā€™t leave any alive!


I cannot! Thatā€™s too far!

Panel 19. A fireball blasts apart a door at the top of the stairs, sending Babette stumbling down a few steps. The coven Matriarchā€”aged in her sixties with her hair and clothes stereotypical of a school marmā€”is framed by the destroyed doorway with her hand like embers.

Panel 20. Babetteā€™s hood is off due to the blast. She glares at the Matriarch.

Panel 21. The Matriarch glares back.


Itā€™s the de Benedetto Coven! Raid! Itā€™s a raid!

Panel 22. Babette rushed towards the Matriarch.

Panel 23. Babette shoots once, twice, but the Matriarch deflects both with a mostly invisible shield.

Panel 24. Babette dives down, shooting low.

Panel 25. The Matriarch yelps, faltering, as the bullet rips the hem of her long dress, blasting the wooden floor.

Panel 26. Babette rolls towards the Matriarch, firing another shot. The Matriarch has already rushed from the path, swinging her hand down at the floor.

Panel 27. The floor splinters in a jagged line towards Babette.

Panel 28. Babette rips off her capelet, grips an Italian cameo pinned to her shirt, and throws her hand towards the floor. The line abruptly stops like slamming into an invisible wall.

Panel 29. The Matriarchā€™s face twists.


Secure the witchboy! Stop that little witch!

Panel 30. The Matriarch sneers.


Leave me to handle Babette.

Panel 31. Babette tucks the pistol away, glancing down towards Arlene.


Run, Arlene! Find him!

Panel 32. Babette holds out a hand like a shield, the other gripping the cameo. Arlene races off, still on the ground floor and trailed by two witches.

Panel 33. The Matriarch adjusts the clunky, gemmed bracelet on her wrist.

Babette (v.o.)

She is too practiced to tip her hand. She means to bait me to attack first.

Panel 34. Babetteā€™s hand clutching the cameo glows.

Babette (v.o. continue)

So be it.

Panel 35. Babette clasps her hands together, pulling and swirling them apart to gather particles in the air.

Panel 36. The air between Babetteā€™s hands turns smoky and sickly hued.

Panel 37. The Matriarchā€™s eyes widen fearfully; she steps back and starts to rapidly, repeatedly, draw a circle over her head.

38. Babette pulls her hands apart and disperses the smoky, sickly air towards the Matriarch. A gentle drizzle started over the Matriarchā€™s head, but she was now coughing.

39. Babette pulls her broach off her shirt and draws a line down her arm with the pin. A line of hot, glowing light follows the path.


Return my brother, and this ends.

40. The Matriarch snarls. Lightning is sparking on her fingertips. She is not coughing anymore, now sopping wet from the drizzle dispersing over her head.

41. The glowing light spreads across Babetteā€™s arms, looking like lava and embers. The sparks on the Matriarchā€™s fingers look weak and dull in comparison. A hint of frustration over this is on her old face.

42. The Matriarch struck first this time, sending a jagged bolt of electricity directly towards Babetteā€™s face.

43. Babette blocked with her arm, the magma light brightening as she absorbed the brunt of the magic. Babette clenched her teeth and winced as the residue electricity raced over her, staticā€™ng her curls.

44. Babette counters with throwing a handful of glowing, hot rocks at the Matriarch with one hand, following with a blast of heat from her other.

45. The Matriarch waved her hand, deflecting the hot air. A burst of steam hisses as the rocks hit a wavering water shield.

46. The Matriarch shrieks as the rocks pepper her, knocking her to a knee.

47. Babette steps closer, burning brightly, and with more glowing rocks dancing in her hand. She is staring down at the Matriarch.


You should have returned my brother.

48. The Matriarch grits her teeth, flicking her hands.

49. The Matriarch stares at her hands in shock.

50. The Matriarch stares up at Babette with more fear than defiance as Babetteā€™s shadow crosses over her.

51. Babetteā€™s expression is grim as her flames light her face, the Matriarchā€™s cries and shrieks deafening.

52. Babette dashes off, pinning her broach back to her shirt. Over her shoulder is the charred remains of the Matriarch, still kneeling in place. The blackened floor is crumbling beneath her.

53. Babette is drained, sweat on her brow and hands shaking. She rests against a wall and hold her hand out.

54. Babetteā€™s hand flickers a glow, dies, and leaves her with a pained expression.

Babette (v.o.)

I over exerted.

55. Babette checks the gunā€™s magazine.

Babette (v.o. continue)

Iā€™ll need to reload next encounter.

56. Babette runs off.

Babette (v.o. continue)

I hope Arlene is safe.

57. Babette skids to a halt and ducks behind the corner she nearly clears.

58. Three witches loiter outside a wooden door, murmuring inaudibly. They appear bored and sleepy.

59. Babetteā€™s face lights with excitement and relief.

Babette (v.o. continue)

There you are!

60. Babette steels herself, exhaling and holding the pistol ready.

61. Babette whips around the corner and fires.

62. The middle witch yelps as the bullet rips into her shoulder. The two others stare at her in puzzlement, defenses half-raised.

63. Babette drops the empty magazine, shoving a fresh one in place. She is still moving forward, zigzagging.

64. Babette fires again and hits the left witch squarely through the neck. The right witch is fully on defense. The middle witch is still crying and holding her shoulder.

65. Babette winces as the right witch lashes out, slicing her upper arm with a bright, mint green energy. Babette fires and hits the right witch just as the slice hits her arm.

66. The middle witch disappears inside the door they had been guarding.

67. Babette bursts through the door after her.

68. The room was a bathroom with three stalls and three sinks.

69. Babette looks at the tiled floor.

70. Blood droplets.

71. Babette keeps her pistol up near her shoulders, creeping along the blood trail.

72. Babette stops outside the last stall, at the end of the blood trail. Muffled, sobbing, wheezing is coming from inside.

73. Babette kicks open the door.


Where is the witchboy?

74. Babette pulls the trigger before the witch waves her hand or opens her mouth.

75. Babette storms into the hall, gun poised.

76. Babette runs up a floor.

77. The floor is empty, darkened, and full of closed doors. There is eerie creaking sounding throughout the hall.

78. Babette remove her broach, squeezing it hard enough for the pin to puncture her hand.

79. Blood droplet hits the wooden floor.

Babette (o.s.)

Truvari. Frati.

[Find. Brother.]

80. Babette falls against the wall, breathing hard. The blood droplet on the floor glows, and a thin line of light stretches from it.

81. Babette grits her teeth and staggers down the hall.

82. Babette turns a corner. Indistinct murmuring reaches her ears.

83. Babette squares against the door, taking a deep breath.

84. Babette taps the door with the gun, waits.

85. The doorknob twists. Babette kicks it, knocking it inward and toppling the witch on the other side.

86. The room beyond the door was a small dorm with two beds. Four witches were in the room; three sitting in the middle of the room and one fallen over near the door. The three in the middle were surrounding a boy of fourteen that greatly resembles Babette (olive skinned, brown eyes, thick and curly black hairā€”short).

87. One witch sitting on the floor was holding a bloody knife. The witch behind the boy was forcing his arm out. There was a cut dribbling blood on his forearm.

88. Babetteā€™s eyes blaze.


Zinnia, down!

89. Babette shoots the witch behind Zinnia, and the one with the knife. The third on the floor is lunging for a wand on the nightside table.

90. Babette rounds on the third witch.

Zinnia (o.s.)

Babs, watch out!

91. Babette is knocked back by the door smashing into her. She fires into the ceiling in her disruption. The fourth witch is readying a wand while bracing against the door.

92. Babette shoots through the wooden door. First shot skims the fourth witchā€™s shoulder, eliciting a surprised yelp. Second shot pierces her, dropping her.

93. Babette shoulders the door, shoving the body aside and opening the door wider.

94. Babette shrieks and drops to a knee as a surge of electricity hits her.

95. The last witch holds her wand steady with one hand. Her other hand is bloody and gripping Zinniaā€™s arm. There is a smear of blood over her mouth. Her eyes are dilated.

96. Babette shakily raises the pistol off the ground, pulling the trigger despite it not lining up with the witch. It clicks empty.

97. Babette tucks the gun away and grabs her cameo with a trembling hand. Her breathing is jagged.

College Witch (o.s.)

[pained shrieks]

98. Zinnia huddles next to Babette, eyes fearful. He holds the knife used to cut him with one hand. He shakes Babetteā€™s shoulder with his other.


Stand! Please, stand up! Let us go!


Iā€™ll find Mamma. Where did you part?

99. Babette shakes her head. Zinniaā€™s lip shakes.


Mamma isnā€™t here.

100. Babetteā€™s vision blurred as she took stock of where the witch was. The witch was cradling her bleeding hand while trying to keep a grip on her wand. She was gritting her teeth, glaring at Babette and Zinnia.

101. Babette tries to stand, but falls back to her knee. Her hand releases the cameo broach.


Run, Zin.

102. Zinnia holds his bleeding arm to Babetteā€™s mouth. Babette turns her head away.


Lick it.

103. Zinnia touches his wound with a finger.

104. Zinnia forcefully stuck his finger in Babetteā€™s mouth.

105. Babette knocks his hand away, spits uselessly.

106. Babetteā€™s pupils dilate. She stops breathing roughly. She is no longer weakened.

107. Babette snatches her cameo as she stands, holding it out and drawing a circle as she does. A bright bolt of light bounces off the invisible shield as it is drawn.

108. Babette launches a counter, fire burning on her skin before she shoots it.

109. Fire rips across the ceiling, walls, and floor. The beds are on fire. The books burn up. The witch stands in the middle, frantically waving her wand at the flames to keep them at bay.

110. Babette swirled her hand above her head, gathering the heat and smoke. Crackles of electricity appeared in the growing cloud.

111. The cloud burst and dispersed as Babette stumbled. Her hands dropping to her sides and her breathing harder.

112. The witch was still fighting the flames, but most were now out. Her stamina was weakened but miles above Babetteā€™s.

113. Babetteā€™s eyes dart to the knife in Zinniaā€™s hand.

114. Babette grabs the knife and jumps at the witch.


Shut your eyes, Zinnia!

115. Babette plunges the knife into the witchā€™s neck where it meets her shoulder.

116. Babette is sprayed with blood as she pulls and rips the knife out.

117. Babette stumbles away, grabs Zinnia, and half falls out of the room.

118. Babette ushers Zinnia towards the stairs, now leaning heavily on him. Zinnia supports Babette around her waist and holds her arm.


You killedā€”.

119. Babette pushes Zinnia away to throw up.

120. Babette wipes her mouth, smearing the blood that sprayed on her face.


There was little choice.


Let us get you home. Iā€™ll face consequences after.

121. Babette and Zinnia made their way to the first floor, passing the body of the Matriarch down the grand stairs.

122. Babette wretches open the front door.

Arlene (o.s.)




123. Babette forces Zinnia outside, handing him the knife.


Wait for me. Iā€™ll just be a minute.

124. Babette shuts the door between her and Zinnia as she hurries back into Halcyon Hall.

125. Babette cups her hand to her mouth.



Arlene (o.s.)


126. Babette hurries towards the direction of Arleneā€™s yell, seeing broken and burned pictures and decorative end tables. There were few bodies maimed by magicā€”twoā€”with signs blood or burnt fabrics to indicate injured had retreated.

127. Arlene was on a decorative wooden bench, legs sprawled out and out of breath. Her hood was off and singed. She was dirty, scuffed, damp.

128. Babette crouched in front of her.


Thank God! Are you injured?


I believe just exhausted. Did you find him?

129. Babette nods and pulls Arlene up.


Heā€™s out front. We should hurry.

130. Babette helps Arlene back towards the front entrance.


I will never stop repaying you for your help in rescuing Zinnia. I know you crossed linesā€”.


Iā€™d rather not think on that right now.

131. Babette and Arlene shuffle towards the doors.


Of course. But, I will not forget this once I lead the coven. I promise.

132. Doors bang upstairs freezing Babette and Arlene in place by the door.

133. Babette yanks the door open, shoving Arlene in front of her.



134. Babette shuts the door behind her but does not move further. She freezes with her hand on Arleneā€™s shoulder.

135. Babetteā€™s eyes widen.

136. Arlene was shock-still, wide eyes staring at the knife in her chest. Zinnia held the handle. His eyes wider but expression otherwise neutral.

137. Zinnia rips out the knife. Babette falls with Arlene to the ground, trying to hold her upright.


Arlene! Hold on, Iā€™llā€¦ Iā€™llā€¦

138. Babette fumbles her cameo.


Zin, I needā€¦

139. Zinnia is staring down. Remorseless.

Babette (o.s.)


140. Babette drops Arlene as she shoves herself away from Zinniaā€™s knife, hitting up against the doors.

141. Babette snatches up her cameo and stabs it into her hand with gritted teeth. Glowing power surges from the area, flickering.

142. The glow fades as Babette tries to stand.

143. Babette slides back to the stones, breathing heavy.

144. Zinnia stands above her, her vision fading in and out.

145. Blackness. Thud of Babette falling over.

Zinnia (o.s.)

Sorry, Babs.

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March 15, 2024
Star Trek: Metamorphosis
Scene 17

The tables of Ten Forward had been pushed to either side of the room, creating a clearing in the center. The chairs had been reassigned into neat rows on either side of the clearing. A simple metal archway entwined with greenery and small white flowers had been placed at the end of the aisle against the windows that looked out into the starfield of space.

Captain Picard stood in front of the archway in his dress uniform; a long, tunic-like variant of his captainā€™s garb. He quietly smiled as he looked out at the crew members who filled most of the seats before him. All of the commanding officers were present, taking up much of the front row. Many of them had donned their dress uniforms, including Geordi, who stood beside Hudson to act as his best man.

The other side of the aisle, on the other hand, was filled with a different groupā€“the visitors from Westfall. Despite their fewer number, they beamed with just as much elation as those in Starfleet beside them. Their former mechanic stood in a coat and tie in front of them, prepared for a day they had all hoped for.

Hudsonā€™s hands were clasped at his middle, though they often drifted up to tug at the sunflower pinned to his lapel or at his royal blue tie for some last minute straightening. He glanced to Geordi, only for the Chief Engineer to grin back at him. His brown eyes then darted to the door, waiting with bated excitement for his bride to appear.

The doors into Ten Forward opened, and Jean-Luc, smiling, gestured for those present to rise.

Hudsonā€™s heart leapt into his throat. That time was now.

A tall Klingon in a gray dress shirt with a metal sash looped over his right shoulder appeared in the doorway. On his arm was a much shorter young woman in a simple white dress and a circlet of sunflowers in her hair.


Gemini was led into the room, wide-eyed and brimming with excitement. Her attire was both Aravasti, in the form of a blue sash over her shoulder and tied at her waist, and a nod to her husbandā€™s heritage, in the form of a circlet of sunflowers in her up-done hair. Her eyes locked onto Hudson, and the latter found it hard to keep his knees under him when a jubilant smile broke across her lips.

Worfā€™s seemingly emotionless expression could not hide the pride of being able to walk his friend and colleague down the aisle. He did, however, take his duty very seriously, keeping a steady pace and forward gaze despite the distractions on either side of the aisle.

When the two approached the end of the aisle, Worf gave a deliberate bow before presenting Gemini to Hudson and the Captain. Jean-Luc bowed in return, and with one last smile from Gemini, Worf turned and took his place across from Geordi.

Jean-Luc then gestured to the couple, and Hudson and Gemini stepped together and took each othersā€™ hands. The rest of the room took their seats.

ā€œSince the days of the first wooden sailing ships, all captains have enjoyed the happy privilege of joining together two people in the bonds of matrimony,ā€ Captain Picard announced to the group. ā€œAnd so it is my honor to unite you, Gemini Hope Inova, and you, Hudson James Rowlett, together in matrimony.ā€

The couple tried their best to stifle their smilesā€“to no avail.

ā€œDo you, Hudson, take Gemini to be your lawfully wedded wife?ā€ Jean-Luc continued.

ā€œYes, sirā€“I do!ā€ Hudson fumbled nervously, but a wide grin from Gemini quickly quelled his nerves.

ā€œAnd, do you, Gemini, take Hudson to be your lawfully wedded wife?ā€

ā€œI do,ā€ she squeezed Hudsonā€™s hands.


Jean-Luc held open his hands. ā€œWith this, it is my honor to present Mr. and Mrs. Rowlett! Hudson,ā€ he glanced at him with a knowing grin, ā€œyou may kiss your bride.ā€

A variety of calls, cheers, and applause rang out across Ten Forward as Hudson and Gemini leaned together to share their first kiss as a wedded couple. Even Geordi broke into a lively ovation.

The Captain glanced at Worf, still stiffly standing beside him. He was about to urge him into the celebration when he noticed a wide smile had crept across the Klingon warriorā€™s lips as his eyes watched his college happily dancing down the aisle with her husband.Ā 

Jean-Luc, instead, turned back to the couple and gestured for everyone to rise and continue the celebration.



Scene Notes

  • I was very happy with how the "sub plots" in this story all ended up tying together (the mark of a good Star Trek TNG episode in my opinion, and one I stive for!). Gem and Hudson's upcoming wedding prompted the thought of who would walk her down the aisle, and the subsequent mission showed that despite her close friendship to many of the crew, Gemini's best mentor was Worf all along.
  • In my mind, there will be one more episode in my "Star Trek: Westward" mini series, so be sure to keep your long-range sensors operational! THANKS FOR READING!!
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March 14, 2024
Star Trek: Metamorphosis
Scene 16

ā€œYou may rise!ā€ The voice was muffled by the water of the tub.

The woman did as she was told and sat up as water ran down her skin, hair, and clothing. She wiped her eyes clearā€“and quickly ran her fingers above her brows to her forehead. She blew out a heavy sigh.

Beverly laughed. ā€œSmooth again?ā€

ā€œYes,ā€ Gemini laughed as Hudson handed her her glasses. There, in the mirror across the room, was a white and brown-haired Aravasti woman in a tank top and shorts. ā€œWhile it was fun, itā€™s good to see my old self in the mirror.ā€


ā€œIā€™m mighty glad to see it.ā€ Hudson was far more relieved than the others as he took Geminiā€™s pale fingers and helped her step from the tub. ā€œNot that there was anythinā€™ wrong,ā€ he added nervously as he took a towel and wrapped it around her, ā€Iā€™m justā€¦ Iā€™m glad to see you.ā€

She could tell there was something more to Hudsonā€™s words, but she found herself unable to do more than smile and hug him. ā€œIā€™m glad to see you too,ā€ she spoke into his uniform shirt as his wide hands wrapped around her towel-covered back.

Worf stood nearby, his stolid expression bordering on mild disappointment as he watched Gemini the Aravasti interact with Hudson and Beverly.

Deanna glanced at him with her eyebrow cocked and an amused grin on her face. ā€œQulā€™tuq is still there, you know,ā€ she said.

He instantly stood up straight and looked at Deanna. ā€œThat is notā€“ā€ he huffed and diverted his eyes. ā€œIt was simply nice to be around other Klingons,ā€ he concluded softlyā€“and without his initial accusatory tone.

The half-Betazoid simply grinned wider. ā€œOf course.ā€

All the while, Doctor Hayward had a pleasant smile on his face, still standing at the head of the tub near his transformation machine. He sighed somewhat dreamily before shutting down the machine and in preparation for packing it up. His actions slowed when Gemini stepped up to him. ā€Yes, maā€™am?ā€ He asked, glancing over his round-framed glasses as his head bowed.

ā€œI just wanted to thank you for your part in our mission,ā€ she smiled, glancing at Worf at the other end of the room. ā€œWe couldnā€™t have done it without you.ā€

ā€œOh,ā€ he shrugged somewhat sheepishly. ā€œOf course, Miss Gemini. I am thankful I was able to help. And, thankĀ you, for allowing me to meet an Aravasti in person.ā€

She nodded as they shook hands one last time. ā€œRemind me, before you leave, to bring you to the holodeck. I can turn off the fire suppression system there,ā€ she held up her hand, displaying her veins glowing with white light.

Giorgio was already bursting with excitement. ā€œOhā€“yesā€“I will!ā€Ā 

With that, Gemini returned to her fiance and friends.

The visiting doctor again tried to return to his machine when Worf approached him. His head tipped back to meet the tall Klingonā€™s eyes. Ā ā€œMister Worf: I assume no one figured out her secret?ā€

ā€No, sir. To both myself and the others, she was indistinguishable from a true Klingon.ā€ He bowed his head as he spoke, his hands clamped tightly at his back. While he was still bowed, he leaned more deliberately toward the visiting doctor. ā€Is there a way toā€¦ allow her to appear Klingon from time to time?ā€ His voice was nearly hidden beneath his breath.

Giorgioā€™s face had rediscovered its smile. ā€œAh,ā€ he laughed, ā€œno, sir; not without this machine, and it will be going with me when I am returned to Earth tomorrow.ā€ He patted the device as his bespectacled eyes looked upon it. ā€œI need to make a quick trip to Andor,ā€ he spoke through clenched teeth. ā€œThere are a few Andorian I need toā€¦ ā€˜resetā€™... and then I will retire this machine.ā€

ā€œRetire?ā€ Beverly returned just in time to hear his words. ā€œBut, Giorgioā€“ā€

ā€œNo, no,ā€ he shook his head. ā€œWhile it was incredible to see it in use, we also saw a glimpse of some of its dangers. I fear, if this machine were to ever fall into the wrong hands, we could see much more dangerous uses.ā€ He turned to his attache case, closed it, and flipped each lock securely. ā€œI believe it best to leave the shapeshifting to the Roshak at this time.ā€

ā€œUnderstood.ā€ Doctor Crusher relented with a smile.Ā 

Worf, however, had twisted his expression. ā€œā€˜Dangersā€™, doctor?ā€ He repeated Doctor Haywardā€™s words.

Both doctors glanced at one another. Giorgio was the first to duck out and relocate with his case, leaving Beverly with an increasingly scrutinizing Worf.

Hudson rested his hand on Geminiā€™s back. ā€œShall I walk you back to your room? You can get dried off the rest of the way anā€™ back into your own clothes.ā€

ā€œSounds good to me,ā€ she slipped her hands around his arm and the two stepped out into the hall.

A pair of Klingon were passing by, and both couples gave a respectful nod to each other.

Gemini slowed, recognizing the pair.

Yamtek and Mara also slowed their pace, looking over their shoulders as they passed. Yamtek narrowed his eyes onto the green-eyed Aravasti at Hudsonā€™s side.

ā€œCan we help yā€™all find somethinā€™?ā€ Hudson asked politely.

ā€œNo,ā€ Yamtek straightened his posture but had not yet relinquished his gaze. ā€œForgive me; your mate seemsā€¦ familiar.ā€

The woman cleared her throat and glanced aside. ā€œPerhaps weā€™ve crossed paths earlier on the ship?ā€

At last, the leading pair of Klingon turned their attention elsewhere. ā€œPerhaps.ā€ Yamtek nodded.

With that, the two couples continued on their way.


Scene Notes

  • And everyone is happily back to normal. Although I think Worf could have gotten used having another Klingon around :D
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